Rhett Barnwell, Celtic Harp and cello; Victoria Lawson, soprano
The Lord Is My Shepherd
It Is Well With My Soul
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
Bist Du Bei Mir
The Old Rugged Cross
Amazing Grace
Ave Maria
All Through The Night
The Lord Is My Shepherd (instrumental)
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an organ noel
Noel No. 10
He Shall Feed His Flock, from "Messiah"
Concerto in G: "Allegro"
The Coventry Carol
Magnificat Primi Toni
La Nativite', from "Poems Evangeliques"
Chorale Prelude on "Es ist ein Rose Entsprungen"
Chorale, "Lo, How a Rose e'er Blooming"
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring"
Dance Prelude on "Bring a Torch, Jeanette, Isabella"
Ave Maria
Chorale Prelude on "Vom Himmel Hoch"
Prelude on "Divinum Mysterium"
Improvisation on "Noel Nouvelet"
Two Polish Carol Improvisations: "Infant Holy" and "Gloria"
Silent Night - Franz Gruber, arr.

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featuring the 27 rank pipe organ at Stella Maris Church, Sullivan's Island, S.C. Rhett Barnwell, organ and cello, with organists Dr. C. Lynn Bailey, Douglas Ludlum and Thomas Joseph White.